[November 19, 2017] Europe is making progress towards Open Data Maturity: “European countries have been assessed both in terms of Open Data Readiness, assessing the span of their Open Data policies, and in terms of Open Data portal maturity. In general, EU countries score 72% in terms of their Open Data readiness in 2017 compared to 57% in 2016 and 46% in 2015.” Read the highlight or the full report ...
[July 27, 2017] GPSDD Funding Round: The Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data (GPSDD) announced a “new round of funding for 'collaborative data innovations for sustainable development'”, see announcement. The new call is anchored around two themes: 'Leave No One Behind' and 'The Environment'. Projects supported in this program should aim to improve data availability and develop innovative data uses for those engaged in sustainable development in general and SDG implementation and monitoring more specifically. Deadline for applications is September 1, 2017.
[May 19, 2017] Linking to Users: At the IGWCO meeting held in Tuscaloosa, AL, USA on May 19, 2017, thoughts on how to better link users to data, products and knowledge were exchanged. The presentation by Plag asked whether engaging with the users in what they do may be a better way for GEO to achieve this then aiming to engage the users with what GEO is doing.
[May 18, 2017] SEE-IN KB introduced to GEOGLOWS: The motivation for the transition from the URR to the SEE-IN KB and the conceptual background for the SEE-IN KB were the main contents of a presentation given at the GEOGLOWS meeting held in Tuscaloosa, AL, USA on May 16-18, 2017. It was pointed out that the matching of users and knowledge is an important challenge that needs to be addressed with novel concepts.
[May 11, 2017] SEE-IN KB presented at ISRSE Tswhane, South Africa: In two presentations, the SEE-IN KB was featured will be featured in two presentations At the 37th Internation Symposium on Remote Sensing of the Environment (ISRSE37) in Tswhane, South Africa, the SEE-IN KB was featured in two presentations. Plag and Jules Plag illustrated how the SEE-IN KB aims to link the SDGs to Earth observations, models and capacity building. Plag focused on the role SEE-IN KB can play in linking users to knowledge. In a third presentation (Plag et al.) the need for mapping the societal user landscape was emphasized and the SEE-IN KB was introduced as a utility for this mapping.
[March 25, 2017] SEE-IN KB at ISRSE Tswhane, South Africa: The SEE-IN KB will be featured in two presentations at the 37th Internation Symposium on Remote Sensing of the Environment (ISRSE37) at Tswhane, South Africa on May 8-12, 2017. The abstracts of the presentations are available as Abstract 1 and Abstract 2.
[February 1, 2017] GEO Blue Planet Symposium in College Park, MD: The 3rd Symposium of the Blue Planet Initiative, Oceans and Society of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) will take place on May 31-June 2, 2017 at the NOAA Facilities in College Park, MD, USA.
[December 16, 2016] SDGs at AGU, San Francisco, Ca, USA: In a poster presented on December 16, 2016 in at the AGU Fall meeting in San Francisco, Ca, USA, the role of Earth observations, models and GEO-Design in support of SDG implementation and monitoring was discussed.
[December 12, 2016] SEE-IN KB at AGU, San Francisco, Ca, USA: The SEE-IN KB was presented on December 12, 2016 in a poster and a speed talk at the AGU Fall meeting in San Francisco, Ca, USA.