

Projects Related to the Development of the SEE-IN KB

  • ConnectinGEO: ConnectinGEO was alive from February 2014 to January 2016. It aimed at “Coordinating an Observation Network of Networks EnCompassing saTellite and IN-situ to fill the Gaps in European Observations.” Full information and the project is available at the ConnectinGeo.net web site.

    The web workspace maintained by Tiwah documents the work in four work packages (WPs) of ConnectinGEO and provides access to documents relevant to the goal-based approach to the determination of Essential Variables (EVs) developed by the project and the gap analysis carried out in the project. ConnectinGEO contributed significant content to the SEE-IN KB.

  • ENEON: The European Network of Earth Observation Networks (ENEON) is a network aiming to provide an integrated and harmonized perspective on Earth observations (EOs), forecasting and projecting, helping to reduce redundancies and detect gaps in the European EO arena. For more information on ENEON, visit the ENEON home page.

    A web workspace is available for one of the ENEON Working Groups, that is, the Food-Water-Energy Nexus (FWEN) Working Group. This working group researches to what extent the European EO networks can provide information of value to understand and inform the FWEN. A particular focus is on EO-derived evidence that would underline the urgency of addressing the FWEN in a nexus-based approach. This working group is contributing content to the SEE-IN KB.